Daria Wiki

You know how children of divorce often erroneously blame themselves for the breakup? In the case of Brittany's little brother, it's the rest of the family pointing the finger at him.

- "Oh, the Obscurity!"

Brian Taylor is the younger brother of Brittany Taylor. His mother, Vivian Taylor, left the family soon after his birth.

Physical Appearance[]

According to Database, Brian is a ten-year-old blonde hair boy who looks similar to his sister Brittany. He wears braces. He is seen wearing a grey short-sleeved shirt, black pants, and shoes.


Lab Brat also shows he enjoys tormenting small animals. This behavior takes on a more sinister edge thanks to The Daria Database, which strongly implies that Brian has been systematically murdering every single pet cat the family has ever had and that they know he's doing it ("cats disappear with Brian around, so family no longer bothers coming up with original names"). Brian is shown to be sick-minded in the sense that he "loves electrical cords, duct tape and the whimper of a helpless animal on a hot afternoon".

Character Overview[]

Brian makes only three short appearances in the show, in episodes The Lab Brat, The Old and the Beautifuland Groped by an Angel, plus a non-speaking appearance in IICY?

His appearances in the two last episodes suggest he is a brat, as he talks back at his father and is shown running around the house swearing and taunting his family by handling things not belonging to him (and in a way that could break them). His dad, Steve Taylor, verbally berates him as "you little turd" in the latter two episodes and talks about his birthday party with resentment. ("I took twenty of your damn friends to the ball game.") In Groped, Steve cheerfully mentions he takes money out of Brian's college fund to buy things for Brittany.

