Brooke is a student at Lawndale High and is a peer of Quinn Morgendorffer and the other members of the Fashion Club. She is voiced by Sarah Fader.
Physical Appearance[]
Brooke is a female of average height with a large forehead and wavy brown hair that is parted in the middle with long bangs framing her face. She has an angled chin and a slender physique showing that she has been the recipient of multiple plastic surgeries including liposuction and collagen injections.
She wears a pink t-shirt, pants, and shoes.
Character Overview[]
Brooke was first introduced and makes her only speaking appearance in the episode Too Cute.
During the episode, Brooke receives a nose job from Dr. Shar which increases her popularity at Lawndale High. Quinn states that Brooke's nose "had an extra bone in it" before the operation and was not cute (Quinn, however, is not a reliable narrator). Brooke's level of "cute" moves to "supercute" after Dr. Shar performs liposuction on Brooke's waist and gives Brooke collagen injections in her lips.

"Supercute" Brooke
At one point during the episode, Brooke is considered for Fashion Club membership by Sandi, who was jealous of Quinn's popularity as of the events of Too Cute. However, Brooke suffers a "nasal relapse" and the collagen from her upper lip somehow slides to her lower lip, her "cuteness" suffers and she falls out of consideration for Fashion Club membership.
Whenever Brooke is seen as a backgrounder after Too Cute (for example, standing next to Stacy in Fat Like Me), she maintains her appearance of her "supercute" state. It can be assumed that Dr. Shar, or some other more competent plastic surgeon, was able to repair the damage at some point in the future.
Later mentions of Brooke are those where Fashion Club members detail her fashion faux pas, such as coming to school in "crushed velour that can't be uncrushed" and trying to pass off stone-washed jeans as retro. In The Old and the Beautiful, Quinn implies that Brooke dresses "like a tramp" but the velour top is seen as a far more significant and terrible fashion choice. These fashion failures are undoubtedly the reason Brooke has been unable to get the Fashion Club's approval and become a member.