Chris Griffin is the younger son of Tom Griffin and Linda Griffin. He is the younger brother of Sandi Griffin and Sam Griffin.
Physical Appearance[]
Chris is a ten-year-old male with short greyish hair. He is seen wearing a short-sleeved brown t-shirt with a white stripe going across the chest, yellow collar, and yellow trim at the sleeves, dark blue jeans, and black sneakers.
Chris is described as being "a brat" in The Daria Database. The Database also states that "Likes to pound his brother back, pick at (anyone's) scabs, and watch things drop. He also plans to someday marry Quinn Morgendorffer."
He seems to enjoy getting a rise out of his older sister Sandi, and making her suffer, such as when he left her out to freeze in Daria Dance Party.
Season 5[]
In Fat Like Me, the Fashion Club is meeting at Sandi's house and they discuss the various items on their agenda. They are interrupted by Sandi's brothers who are fighting over a remote-controlled car by the stairs. Sandi goes out of her room to tell the boys to stop making noise during the meeting of the Fashion Club. The brothers continue to fight over the remote which causes the car to crash into Sandi, who trips down the stairs and breaks her leg.
Quinn, Stacy, and Tiffany look down the stairs in shock.
- According to The Daria Database, he is ten-years-old.
- Both Griffin brothers have a crush on Quinn Morgendorffer.
- Sandi's bratty brothers are named after Daria scribes Chris Marcil and Sam Johnson, who went on to Hollywood to write for "real" shows.