The Fremont Sheriff is the sheriff of Fremont and the father of Madison.
Physical Appearance[]
The Sheriff is a tall, slightly chubby man with brown hair. He was only seen wearing his policeman's hat and a pair of jeans. He was able to get a temporary tattoo of a Picasso painting from Jane across his chest.
The Sheriff is shown to be a great fan of art, particularly Picasso. He is shown to be much more relaxed than the Deputy who serves under him as he enjoys Jane's artwork. He is also shown to be a family man as he cares deeply for his daughter Madison and makes her birthday party even better by hiring Jane to do temporary tattoos and Mystik Spiral and Stan to play music.
After the Deputy sees Jane's off-color American flag tattoo, he sees it as an insult and decides to take her to see the Sheriff for harsher treatment. This fails though as the Sheriff is a big fan of Picasso and makes Jane and Mystik Spiral a deal for their release. He hires them for his daughter Madison's birthday party where Jane does temporary tattoos and Mystik Spiral plays music with Stan.
He gets a temporary tattoo from Jane of a Picasso painting on his chest and is later seen showing it off to a few parents shortly after Daria and Quinn arrive with the now unnecessary bail money.