Daria Wiki

Jennifer is a female backgrounder that appears in several of Daria's classes.


Jennifer is a tall African-American girl with black hair that is tied up in a high bun. She is shown wearing a pink shirt and large gold hoop earrings.


Jennifer has been seen around the background character Jade Hoodie, indicating that the two might be friends. It Happened One Nut shows her hanging around at the mall with Kia and Bib Overalls other black girls in her year (though none of those three are ever seen around Jodie).

Jennifer was made by their parents to attend the Push Comes to Love course in College Bored.

She is a member of the Lawndale High Track Team, and was friendly with Jane Lane for a time. Along with the rest of the team and Ms. Morris, she tried to bully Jane into rejoining the team.

Jennifer also has an interest in drama, signing up for The Canterbury Tales' auditions in Fair Enough.

She's a fan of Mental in the Morning: when Bing and the Spatula Man turned up in Jake of Hearts, Jennifer followed them on a circuit around the school and looked happy to be near them. In a fourth-wall destroying moment, she actually peeks out from behind Spatula Man and grins, as if she's mugging for the camera.

