Popular Girl, also known by the fandom name Tori Jericho, is a female backgrounder who appears as a student at Lawndale High.
Popular Girl is a tall, skinny girl with long wavy shoulder-length blonde hair. She wears a light purple collared shirt that she ties up exposing her midriff. She also wears tight fitting blue pants and heeled shoes. She is noted to be extremely pretty.
In The Invitation, Popular Girl stands with Sandi and Tiffany at Brittany's party, giving a running commentary on how popular each guest is and how their rankings might change. (" He's medium popular, and he just bought a great car so soon he'll be getting more popular.") At the sight of Daria, Jane, and Upchuck, she makes the snide remark: "Those three aren't popular at all, I don't know what they're doing here. Maybe some kind of exchange program." She's on friendly terms with Sandi and Tiffany, and is impressed by Sandi's (rubbish) joke at Daria's expense.
In the shooting script she was called "Popular Girl One", with Tiffany being called "Popular Girl Two"; Sandi still had a name.
She never speaks again after this episode. The "Oh, the Obscurity!" feature on MTV's old Daria website says, tongue in cheek, "she dropped out of sight shortly thereafter. (Sandi probably had something to do with it)".
She appears in the back of classes taken by Quinn Morgendorffer and the Fashion Club, putting her in their grade at school. She is also seen in "Too Cute", standing among the group of popular girls admiring Brooke's new nose job. She's been seen hanging with Kia a number of times; the two are probably friends.
In I Loathe a Parade she and Blue Shirt seem to have something going on: the two are standing together, and Blue Shirt leans over to put his arm around her as Daria passes. (They are later pelted with candy by the football team, who misunderstood what 'passing out candy' means) Given her popularity, she probably dates a lot.
- Tori Jericho is never given as an actual name in the show, but is rather a fandom name given to make her stand out. She is most commonly referred to as Popular Girl however.