Sally is a woman who becomes Jane's cellmate during the events of the episode Speedtrapped.
Sally is a middle aged overweight woman with long black hair, bright red lips, and pale blue eyes with black pupils. She is shown wearing a slightly ripped green tank top with blue sweatpants and black heeled shoes. She is shown to carry a packet of cigarettes in the waistline of her pants and has a few tattoos on her left arm. After Jane's handiwork, she gains a temporary tattoo on her right arm.
Sally is shown to have a bit of a short temper, especially when people refuse her requests or say and/or do something stupid. She has spent time in jail repeatedly for chasing around her husband with a skillet after he said and/or did something stupid.
She seems to have a great affinity for Tattoos as she has several of them across her body and eagerly asks Jane to give her one after seeing what a great artist she is. She becomes upset after learning that Jane only plans to give her a temporary tattoo using a rollerball pen, but ultimately calms down after Jane points out that her interfering is disrupting Jane's creativity. She still asks Jane to press hard though.
She seems to be on good terms with the Deputy despite her multiple arrests as they casually part words as he releases her from jail and goes back home.
Sometime after Jane is thrown in jail for an unpaid traffic ticket along with Mystik Spiral, Sally is arrested for chasing her husband around with a skillet for saying and/or doing something stupid. Sally is put in the female section of the Jail becoming Jane's cellmate.
After seeing Jane's skill at painting the walls of the jail cell, she says that she wants a copy. Jane tells her that she can just get a copy of the original, but Sally points to her arms saying that she doesn't want it for her wall.
Sometime later, Jane has begun tattooing a green American flag (due to not having any other colors) on Sally with the phrase "I WENT TO JAIL AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY TATTOO". Sally remarks that it doesn't even hurt which prompts Jane to reveal that she's using a rollerball. Sally gets angry at this repeating that she wants a tattoo. Jane points out that it is a tattoo, and that it's just not permanent. Sally repeats that she wants some of Jane's art and that she's gonna give it to her, leading Jane to angrily ask her how it's gonna be her art if Sally is dictating the medium of expression. After a moment of angry stares, Sally relents but tells Jane to press hard.
After Jane finishes, she has a discussion with Jane about whether alien's would consider simple earth objects art. She remarks that an eggbeater can be evidence, so it could be considered art. She then witnesses Jane being taken away by the Deputy who sees Jane's miscolored flag tattoo, thinks that it is an insult, and takes her away to see the Sheriff.
She is last seen being released by the Deputy who asks her if he's not gonna have to come by her house and arrest her again for chasing her husband with a skillet. Sally says that it depends on whether or not the Deputy can stop him from saying or doing something stupid first. She then leaves the police station just before Daria and Quinn show up to bail out Jane and Mystik Spiral.
- Sally's name is never given during the events of the only episode she appears in, but it is revealed in an MTV Flipook.
- Sally is one of the few characters on the show to have colored eyes with black pupils.
- Her husband is a judge, according to the Deputy.