Skip Stevens is a former camper at Camp Grizzly who went to camp alongside Daria and Quinn when they were children five years prior to the events of the episode Camp Fear.
Physical Appearance[]
Skip is a teenage male about the same age as Daria. He has spiky red hair and thick eyebrows. He is seen wearing a navy and white Camp Grizzly shirt, pants, and shoes. He also wears a watch on his left wrist.
Skip is shown to be obsessed with Camp Grizzly and constantly being a nuisance to the staff. Daria refers to him as "a self-appointed dictator of a non-existent empire." Despite being told off by Amelia and Mr. Potts at the end of the episode it appears as though Skip has learned nothing when driving home with Quinn.
Character Overview[]
In the past, a younger Daria, Helen, and Jake step out from a blue sedan. Helen takes away Daria's book saying that she won't make friends with her nose buried in a book. Helen questions where Quinn is and a younger Quinn is shown to be hiding in the backseat. Younger Quinn expresses a reluctance toward going to camp. She notices a girl has the same backpack as her. She runs over to a younger Tatiana, Cindy, and Tracy.
Quinn's new friends ask her who Daria is and Quinn lies, saying Daria is her distant cousin.
Later, young Daria, Amelia, and Skip are seen at the end of the dock in swimwear. Mr. Potts looks on at them. Mr. Potts says they have greased the watermelon with extra Vaseline this time. Skip says the other team is dead meat. Mr. Potts tells him to take it easy. Mr. Potts explains that whoever brings the watermelon to shore first gets to eat it. Skip says their team will kick the other team's butts.
The campers line up on the edge of the dock and everybody except Daria jumps in the water. Skip pulls her in the water, calling her a slacker and sending her glasses flying.
Skip tells a younger Tatiana, Tracy, Cindy, and Quinn that they are supposed to be chasing the greasy watermelon. Tracy tells him they don't do greasy and walks away, calling him a geek. Quinn asks who will bring them the watermelon today and three boys named Billy, Bobby, and Benjy run out carrying it. The boys begin fighting over the melon.
In Camp Fear, both Daria and Quinn receive invitations to attend a reunion at Camp Grizzly, their old summer camp. Jane and Trent give them a ride to the reunion.
The Tank turns off at a road sign for Camp Grizzly and Quinn tells them to stop, as she has to get out. Daria questions if she could not have told them that two hours ago. Quinn continues to walk down the driveway while the tank drives. Quinn recognizes and greets three girls who look excited to see her. Their names are revealed to be Cindy, Tracy, and Tatiana. She asks them if she can have a ride home. Daria says it is exactly like she remembered.
Daria tells Jane the story of how she became known as Quinn's distant cousin. Jane says this is where it all began. They are approached by Amelia. Daria retorts that she is a decoy to flush out assassins. Amelia expresses gratitude for Daria being there, otherwise, she'd have no one to talk to. Amelia asks Daria what's new and Jane says she didn't know Daria had a fan club.
Jane questions Daria saying that when they met Daria told her she was an outcast who nobody liked and asks if their whole life together has been a lie. Daria frowns at this. They are approached by Skip Stevens who starts handing out Camp Grizzly shirts. Amelia points to Trent and Jane and says they did not attend Camp Grizzly. Skip takes their shirts back mistakenly believing they are from Camp Grizzly's rival camp, Camp Puma. Jane and Trent say that they better get going as Skip leads the Camp Grizzly chant.
Later, Mr. Potts and Skip are on the porch of a camp building and the reunion attendees gather around. They tell the attendees that before they begin their hike that they are happy to see them. They say that when these former campers have kids of their own they can also say that they are proud to be Grizzlies as well. This receives a weak laugh from the audience. Skip asks if everyone is ready for the hike to which Daria responds she wishes that Skip would be the one to take a hike. Amelia laughs and tells Daria she's funny.
Amelia questions where Daria's camp shirt is, and Daria replies that she's not wearing it. Amelia says that she better join the others. Daria tells her she doesn't want to scare others with her limp and tells Amelia to go ahead. Amelia wonders if the others would mind if she stayed behind as well. Daria tells her that she can do whatever she wants, as she is no longer a camper and just visiting.
Amelia decides to stay behind after all and joins Daria at a picnic table. Amelia says this reminds her of the time Daria boycotted the End-of-Summer campfire. Daria tells her that the reality was that she wasn't invited. Amelia reminds Daria about the time she took of on her horse and left the rest of the campers behind. Daria reminds her she fell off the horse and had to get nine stitches.
Quinn, Tatiana, Tracy and Cindy hiking with the other attendees. Tracy says she can't believe they are making them do this and they never had to go hiking as campers. Quinn reminds her they did have hikes, they just didn't go. Quinn says this reminds her of that watermelon game.
Skip is grilling burgers for a barbecue and the campers are seated at picnic tables or lined up to get their burgers. Daria and Amelia walk to the other side of the grill holding plates with hamburger buns. Daria takes a burger and puts it on her burger bun. Skip demands to know what she's doing and Daria retorts that she is hunting for her meal. Skip tells her nobody can take a burger unless he says so and that he has a perfect system. He takes Daria's burger back with the spatula and places it on the grill telling her she can have it when it's ready.
As they walk away, Amelia asks Daria if she's worried about making Skip mad. Daria asks what does she care. Amelia says Skip is the boss of camp. Daria responds that he is just a self-appointed dictator of a non-existent empire. Daria explains what's infuriating is that these artificial societies are made for these petty tyrants. Amelia questions what Daria means by artificial societies. Daria elaborates that she means places like camp, school, and life. Daria explains that half of these people don't like Skip, they just don't want to challenge him and risk alienation. So, they follow the heard and end up leading lives of quiet desperation.
Daria takes out her book and starts reading it. Amelia says at least they are not following the crowd and asks Daria if she heard what she said. Daria then points out Amelia has been following her all day. Daria says that she does not want to be part of a crowd, and she does not want to have her own crowd either. She advises Amelia to leave her alone and practice being an individual. Amelia gets upset, saying that she thought Daria was her friend, but Daria does not like anybody.
Skip is seen on the porch with a microphone. He announces the anthem and a few voices join in singing.
Quinn, Tracy, Tatiana, and Cindy sit at a picnic table. Tracy recalls a story where she refused to wear an unflattering life vest on a boat. The girls all laugh at this. Cindy reminds them about the square dance. Quinn tells them she ditched the dance to go down to the beach with Alex Kroger. Quinn says it's too bad he didn't make the reunion. Tracy says he was her date for the dance and she waited for him all night. Quinn looks embarrassed by this. She tries to remind the girls about the keychains they made in arts and crafts. Tracy tosses fifty cents to Quinn and tells her she can get a ride with Alex before she and the other girls leave.
Skip is seen on the porch with Mr. Potts. Skip says that before he shares his favorite camp memories they should applaud for Mr. Potts. This is followed by some clapping. Skip thanks his color war teammates saying that in all seven years as a Grizzly he has never lost a war. Daria is seen sitting at the table with a dejected Amelia and says maybe she underestimated Skip.
Amelia goes up to Skip and tells him that she wants to say something. She tells him that he's always talking and never gives anyone else a turn. There are scattered calls from the audience supporting Amelia. Amelia explains that ever since she started coming to camp she listened to Skip even when she didn't want to or thought it was stupid. Skip interjects telling her that's enough.
Amelia says that the one good thing about coming to camp was reuniting with someone special, a role model, and an inspiration. Daria asks Amelia not to say her name. Amelia says Daria Morgendorffer may be unpleasant, antisocial, and says whatever's on her mind without any regard for other's feelings. However, at least she thinks for herself and marches to her own drummer.
Amelia concludes that she is going to start thinking for herself and she doesn't care if she has no friends like Daria. She adds that she never wants to see the campground again, causing the attendees to cheer. Skip tells her she can't just rag on Camp Grizzly. He then tells her to hang out with her loser friend, Daria.
Amelia takes off her Camp Grizzly shirt and throws both it and the microphone at Skip. This prompts everyone else to also throw back their Camp Grizzly shirts at Skip. Skip tells Mr. Potts to make it stop, as the attendees are defiling the Grizzly name. Mr. Potts tells him that he takes camp way too seriously as it's just a place parents drop their kids off for a few weeks to get them out of their hair. He advises Skip not to make camp his whole life. Skip whimpers that he just wants to go home.
Amelia tells Daria that's she's glad she liked her speech. Daria says it takes more than words to hurt her, unless they happen to be truthful words strung together in extremely observant sentences. An unnamed girl walks up to them and thanks Amelia for telling off Skip. She turns to Daria and says she never knew she was such an inspiration. Jane and Trent return and the girl says she will see them around. Jane says Daria was a camp darling and didn't tell them. Daria protests that she was never popular. Daria screams when Jane asks if she can try on her Camp Grizzly sash.
Trent says at least the trip wasn't a total loss. On the ride home, Jane tells Daria the story of the elderly couple she and Trent met. Daria says she hopes Trent wasn't bummed out about the whole thing, and Trent writes a song about the experience with Jane and Daria giving suggestions. Trent says Mystic Spiral got their inspiration back. Jane says they might have forgotten something and Daria says Quinn got a ride from a friend.
Quinn is shown riding with Skip who is ranting about Amelia's speech. Quinn asks him to be quiet for a while, looking like she'd rather be somewhere else.