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Theresa is a young clerk in the Junior Five section of Cashman's at the Lawndale Mall. She is constantly attending to the Fashion Club.


Theresa was mentioned in Monster, where Quinn states to Zachary that Theresa can tell him what to buy for her, and then made four appearances in the next three seasons: The Old and the Beautiful, Daria!, A Tree Grows in Lawndale, and Aunt Nauseam.

When Lawndale High became a "loser school" in A Tree Grows in Lawndale, Theresa is the only staff member who (albeit reluctantly) will talk to the Fashion Club, explaining that it's bad for Junior Five's image to have losers shopping there. She allows them to use "fitting room eight," the dreaded unpopular people's dressing room.

MTV's feature Love is a Way Too Many Splendored Thing, a 'flipbook' of Quinn's admirers, has Quinn state that Zachary ended up dating Theresa. "Good riddance!," says Quinn, who really just has herself to blame.
