Daria Wiki

Tom Griffin is the husband of Linda Griffin. He is the father of Sandi, Chris, and Sam.


Sandi's father, Tom, is a chartered accountant (per The Daria Database). Due to his almost lack of screen time in the series, almost nothing his known of him. His only short appearance in Fair Enough suggests he has a lack of backbone and control over his own family.

Physical Appearance[]

Tom is an adult male with red hair. He is seen wearing a white collared button-down shirt. , grey suit consisting of a jacket and dress pants, and black dress shoes. He also wears a red necktie.


Season 2[]

Tom makes an brief appearance in Fair Enough.

The Griffins

The Griffin Family


Linda Griffin[]

Tom seems to have a strained relationship with his wife Linda.

Sam & Chris Griffin[]

Tom seems to have a hard time disciplining his sons.
